- Blood is made up of red blood cells, White blood cells and pletelets.
- If the red blood cells or hemoglobin is less in blood then that leads to anemia.
- Hemoglobin carries oxygen to your body’s organs and tissues and transports carbon dioxide from your organs and tissues back to your lungs.
- How common is it?
Anemia is present in around 50% of the children under 5 years. In india it is prevalent in 70% of the kids from 6 months to 5 years.
It is more common in young children, adolescents and pregnant woman. - Symptoms?
- Tiredness,
- Lack of energy,
- Feeling irritated,
- Headache,
- Giddiness,
- Breathlessness while walking even short distances.
- Slow healing of wounds.
- Slower growth and development.
- Pale skin
- Menstrual irregularities in adolescent girls.
Always visit your doctor in case of any doubt.
- Diagnosis?
Your doctor may suggest a blood test if you have any of these symptoms.
Doctor might see clinically for Anemia in conjunctiva, tongue, nails etc and then guide you further.
If required, he/she may even suggest you special test like Thalassemia or bone marrow examination. - Awareness on Talassemia is important. People with Thalassemia are not able to make enough haemoglobin or makes in an abnormal form.
- Caise?
- Decrease in the production of RBC’s or hemoglobin
- Lack of iron, vitamins.
- Increased destruction of RBC’s in Thalassemia, sickle cells.
- Loss of more blood during menstruation of injury.
- Treatment?
- Doctor may give you some iron or vitamin tablets.
- Doctor may check your medicines to see if any medicine is causing Anemia.
- Blood transfusion may be required in case of serve Anemia.
- Include iron rich foods in your diet like: green peas, bok-choy, brussel sprouts, raisins, soy beans, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, beet root, ragi etc.